Cabinet - 4 March 2021
Cabinet agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 4 March 2021.
- Chair - Councillor Tony Buchanan
- Vice-chair - Councillor Paul O'Kane
- Councillor Caroline Bamforth
- Councillor Danny Devlin
- Councillor Alan Lafferty
- Councillor Colm Merrick
Notice of meeting
View the notice of meeting for 4 March 2021. (PDF, 41 KB)(opens new window)
- Report apologies for absence.
- Declarations of interest.
- Read the Chief Officer - Legal and Procurement's report on the proposed licensing fees and charges for 2021 to 2022. (PDF, 181 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Deputy Chief Executive's report on debt management for non-domestic rates, sundry debt income, housing benefit overpayments and council tax reduction adjustment. (PDF, 161 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Head of Accountancy's (Chief Financial Officer) report on the estimated revenue budget outturn for 2020 to 2021 as at 31 December 2020. (PDF, 496 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Head of Accountancy's (Chief Financial Officer) progress report on the general fund capital programme for 2020 to 2021. (PDF, 319 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Head of Accountancy's (Chief Financial Officer) and the Director of Environment's progress report on the housing capital programme for 2020 to 2021. (PDF, 163 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Head of Accountancy's (Chief Financial Officer) report on trading under best value. (PDF, 211 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Director of Environment's report on authorisation to sign leases on behalf of the Council for the let of houses. (PDF, 162 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Director of Environment's update report on the climate change strategy and action plan. (PDF, 190 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Director of Environment's report on the lease of Crookfur Playing Fields by St Cadoc's Youth Club. (PDF, 350 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Director of Environment's report on proposals for charges for non-statutory planning services. (PDF, 207 KB)(opens new window)
- Read the Director of Environment's report on the write-off of irrecoverable former tenant rents and court expenses. (PDF, 187 KB)(opens new window)
Meeting papers
Read the Cabinet papers for 4 March 2021. (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Meeting Recording
The recording of this meeting can be viewed on the Council's YouTube channel.
Read the minute of the meeting held on 4 March 2021. (PDF, 54 KB)(opens new window)
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