Community learning and development - privacy notice

Read the privacy notice for community learning and development.

The personal information you give to us through any of our forms relating to your registration with a Community Learning and Development (CLD) service (including communities, young person's and adult learning services) and any other personal information we hold about you in this context will be processed by us (East Renfrewshire Council, Eastwood Park, Giffnock G46 6UG) for the supply of CLD support to you.

Your information is processed to help us provide CLD support tailored to your needs and monitor the benefits of this support to you. Your information may also be shared with other departments within the council and other organisations for the same purposes such as to access funding or secure training or support from other departments / organisations. Other organisations include but aren't limited to:

  • East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership
  • Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire (CLD support)
  • East Renfrewshire schools (around accreditations, and providing additional support within school)
  • Police Scotland (school campus officers for the purposes of providing support to young people)
  • Youth accreditation providers (for assessment purposes)

We process your information in order to fulfil our statutory duty to provide CLD support to those who wish to access it as set out in the requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013.

The law gives certain types of information special significance because of its sensitivity such as health information. If we process this type of information about you in relation to CLD provision we do so on the basis of substantial public interest.

Without the correct information we may be unable to give you tailored individual support needed and this could have an impact on the group you're involved with. Giving false information may mean we can't provide a service to you.

Most of the information we hold about you will come from you as an individual. Some of the information may come from third party sources such as East Renfrewshire Council schools, social work or Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire. Such information may include:

  • Your name
  • Your age
  • Home address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Medical information
  • Learning / support needs
  • Groups you're involved with
  • Employment information
  • Equalities information
  • Details of benefits received (specific to registration with adult learning)
  • Information on childs' educational establishment (specific to registration with adult learning)

We'll hold your information for:

  • 10 years after reaching the age of 26 (Young Person's Services)
  • 3 years after you stop working with us (Communities team)
  • 3 years after you stop working with us (Adult Learning team)

Your information will be destroyed under confidential conditions after the relevant period.

Your information will be accessed by our staff who need to do so to give a CLD service to you and to evaluate the provision you've received. If a CLD service is given on our behalf by an external agency, that agency will also have access to your information. We also need to ensure proper administration of its funds so details will be checked internally for fraud prevention and verification purposes. Information is analysed internally in order to give management information and inform future service delivery. Your information may also be shared with other departments within the council, bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, other councils, public sector agencies, governmental departments and other private companies or entities (such as credit reference agencies or service providers).

In general we don't transfer personal information outside the UK but on the rare occasions we do we'll inform you. We'll only transfer information outside the UK when we're satisfied that the party that will handle the data and the country it's being processed in have adequate safeguards for personal privacy comparable to those which are in place in the UK.

We don't use profiling or automated decision making for allocating CLD provision.

Depending on why we need to process your information you'll have rights to how your information is used. More information about your rights, including the circumstances in which they apply, can be found within our main privacy policy.

If you've concerns about the processing of your personal data by us, you can contact our Data Protection Officer at

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing, visit the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) website (opens new window).

Please contact us if you need this information in an alternative format.

Last modified on 4 October 2022