IJB Classes of information
Find out about the IJB Classes of information and supporting documentation
| Class | Description |
1 | About The IJB | Information about the authority, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations. |
1.1 | who we are | The background as to how and why The IJB was established is on our website: Read about it in our Health and Social Care webpage |
1.2 | how to contact us, where to find us? | If you'd like more information about the IJB or health and social care integration or you'd like to share your thoughts with us then please contact us: By email: hscp-foi@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk By telephone: 0141 451 0746 Address: East Renfrewshire Integration Joint Board, Eastwood Health and Care Centre, Drumby Crescent, Clarkston, G76 7HN |
1.3 | how we are managed and our external relations | The Integration Joint Board became legally responsible for the effective delivery of a large range of services within health and social care in April 2016. The membership of the IJB is largely prescribed by the Scottish Government in terms of numbers and the organisations that they represent. The members outlined below are the 8 voting members that make up the IJB. Additional 12 non-voting members are currently in the place. Membership of the IJB can be found on the Integration Joint Board webpage, together with the Register of interests for all members. View our Code of Conduct |
2 | How we deliver our functions and services | How the IJB operates is set out in the Integration Scheme Standing Orders |
| Our strategies and policies | View our Strategic Plan View our Strategic Commissioning Plan (PDF, 1 MB) View our Financial Regulations (PDF, 329 KB) View our Reserves Policy (PDF, 317 KB) View our IJB Risk Policy and Strategy (PDF, 301 KB) View our IJB FOI Policy (PDF, 166 KB) View our IJB Records Management Plan (PDF, 389 KB) View our IJB Complaints Handling Policy (PDF, 72 KB) View our Audited Annual Report And Accounts 2022/23 (PDF, 1 MB) |
| Information for service users: | Information for our service users can be found on our partner websites
| How we take decisions and what we have decided | How we make decisions will be set out in the Integration Scheme, see 2 above. Our decisions, including the minutes of the Board Meetings and sub-committees, will be published on our Integration Joint Board webpage |
4 | What we spend and how we spend it | The IJB has a statutory duty to provide an Annual Report and Accounts. Regular revenue monitoring reports are also produced and are available within the IJB papers section of our website View our Financial Regulations (PDF, 213 KB) View our Reserves Policy (PDF, 224 KB) |
5 | How we manage our human, physical and information resources | The IJB does not employ staff directly. The staff who provide the services will either be employed by East Renfrewshire Council or NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Information about their terms and conditions of staff are available on the websites of the Council and the NHS: |
5.2 | Our information resources | The services commissioned by the IJB will be delivered by the Council and the NHS and both organisations have their own Information Governance Policies and procedures. The Council has Records Management, Data Protection and Freedom of Information policies and procedures. View our Freedom of Information webpage. View our IJB Records Management Plan (PDF, 389 KB) The NHS has Information Governance, Data Protection and Freedom of Information policies and procedures. Freedom of Information requests for services delivered by the NHS can be sent using the contact details on the NHS website. |
5.3 | Our physical resources | The physical resources used by those providing services that the IJB has commissioned will be owned by the Council or the NHS who will each follow their own procedures. |
6 | How we procure goods and services from external providers | Goods and services will be procured using both NHSGGC and East Renfrewshire Council procurement processes and procedures
7 | How we are performing | Audit updates and quarterly performance reports are provided to our Performance and Audit Committee View the IJB Annual Performance Report (PDF, 2 MB) |
8 | Our commercial publications | The IJB does not have any commercial publication. |
| Open data | The IJB does not hold any information in this area |