Opportunities for all
Find out about Opportunities for all
Vocational Programme
East Renfrewshire's Vocational Programme brings various council services together with local employers and colleges of further education, to provide a range of vocational courses for pupils.
The programme currently offers around 500 places providing for East Renfrewshire pupils entering S5 or S6 (with S4 places available), providing the opportunity to study for a vocational or national qualification together with their other subjects.
The awards will enable young people to gain skills that will help them enter the workplace or further education in the future.
Read our voctional 2024/25 programme (PDF, 2 MB).
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Who can apply
Pupils attending East Renfrewshire secondary schools who are about to enter S5 or S6.
As places are limited, pupils will be nominated and interviewed by their school prior to a place being offered.
If courses are full or pupils are unsuccessful they'll be placed on a 'reserve list' and advised if a place becomes available.
How to apply
The Vocational Programme office and your school can provide you and your parents with more information on each option and its availability.
Positive Pathways Programme
The Positive Pathways Programme is a bespoke employability programme, which is part of the 'No One Left Behind' initiative. It's aimed at pupils who are at risk of not being in education, employment or training and for post school young people who, without additional support, might not make a successful transition into or be able to secure work, further education or training.
You'll receive dedicated support from a key worker who'll use existing local council, health and voluntary sector services and introduce specialist services, such as mental health provision or specific skills training when needed, to support you to find work or training or to move on to further education.
There is a 6-week assessment period where you will meet with a key worker and discuss a wide range of activities that are on offer. Once complete, you'll be offered a place on the Positive Pathways Programme and asked to sign a learning agreement.
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is available for those that are eligible.
Find out if you're eligible for EMA.
Who can apply
- Anyone aged 15 to 18 and 6 months prior to their statutory high school leaving date
- Anyone aged 16 to 19 and not in education, employment or training
How to apply
Email: QISupport@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk
Developing the Young Workforce
We want all of our young people to have the skills and knowledge needed to reach their full potential. It's important that they have the breadth of choices and pathways to thrive in their careers and wider lives.
Our senior phase pupils are offered a wide range of vocational courses ranging from SCQF Levels 1 to 8. The Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) programme is central to this with each school appointing a DYW School Coordinator to engage with colleges, training providers and employers.
Email QISupport@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk if you'd like more information or on the DYW Implementation Plan.