Private landlords

If you're a landlord you must register with your local council. Find out how to do this and how to get involved in our landlord forum.

Repairing Standard Scotland 2024 - UPDATE

The Scottish Government introduced new regulations on on 1 March 2024 to upgrade the repairing standard to include:

    ♦ residual current devices
    ♦ fuels other than gas and electricity
    ♦ fixed heating systems
    ♦ safe access and use of common parts
    ♦ provision for, and safe access to, a food storage space and a food preparation space
    ♦ satisfactory locks on common doors in tenements

View the Scottish Government Repairing Standard guidance 

Private landlord registration 

The law states landlords must register with their local council to make sure landlords and their properties meet certain standards.

Register on the Scottish Government website (opens new window).

The Scottish Parliament are seeking private landlord and tenant views on the proposed Housing (Scotland) Bill which focuses on the following: 

    ♦ Rent control mechanisms and affordability measures
    ♦ Tenant rights to pet ownership and property modifications
    ♦ Proactive homelessness prevention strategies by local authorities
    ♦ Enhancements to eviction procedures and tenant protections    

The consultation is open until 17 May 2024. Read more about the bill and submit your views.

Fee types


Two or more applications with different local authorities (50% of Principal Fee)

PropertyLate application
2023 to 2024





2024 to 2025





Letting agent registration 

The law states all letting agents must join a register of letting agents.

Find out more on the website (opens new window).

Private landlord forum

We hold 3 forums a year which are usually in the evening.

Book your place

Contact the Private Sector Housing team.

Rent Service Scotland

Rent Service Scotland collects rental information from a wide variety of sources contributing to a data set which is used to produce statistics for the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The information is also used to set levels of Local Housing Allowance, Universal Credit, valuations for Housing Benefit, registered rents, rent adjudications and Rent Pressure Zones.

Find out more about Rent Service Scotland (opens new window).

If you can share rental information, download the Market Evidence Form and return it to Rent Service Scotland. The information will be held securely in the Rent Service Scotland database and held in line with the current retention policies.

Download the Market Evidence form (opens new window).

Rent Service Scotland
2nd Floor Endeavour House
1 Greenmarket Dundee DD1 4QB

Phone: 0300 244 7000 (Answer machine only)


Private Sector Leasing Scheme

For anyone who represents a landlord(s) in the East Renfrewshire area with a property to let.

We want to talk to landlords who would be interested in leasing to us to provide temporary accommodation for applicants.

The scheme offers:

  • guaranteed rental income
  • long lease - potentially three years
  • free tenancy management
  • no letting agents fees
  • property returned in original condition
  • no need to interview prospective tenants
  • no loss of rent due to empty periods

If you're interested and want to find out more about the scheme, email Julie Campbell on who will contact you with further details.

Heat in Buildings Funding 

The Heat in Buildings Funding catalogue sets out the different funding options available currently for work to decarbonise and improve energy efficiency. It includes key contacts for each of the funds as well as information and the eligibility criteria.
Read the Heat in Buildings Funding catalogue (PDF) [251KB]



Last modified on 19 April 2024