Waiting and loading restrictions

We're reviewing all waiting and loading restrictions in East Renfrewshire.

Our aims

  • Keep pedestrian crossings and bus stops free of parked vehicles, which allows town centre visitors to walk safely and to use public transport
  • Allow different vehicles to use the parking spaces throughout the day
  • Encourage drivers who need to park for longer to park on the outskirts of the town centre, which leaves the centre free for short stay parking
  • Keep traffic flowing on main roads at peak times
  • Stop unsafe parking
  • Create simple waiting and loading restrictions

In order to meet the Council's aim of sustaining the safe and efficient flow of vehicular traffic whilst balancing this against the needs of pedestrians, residents and businesses, an ongoing review of the various waiting and loading restriction Orders in operation is carried out to consider new and/or amended restrictions required to manage and control vehicular parking on the public road network throughout the area.

Review areas and status

AreaLast Review and/or
Order made
Next Review status
NeilstonOrder made June 2023N/A at this time
Eaglesham & WaterfootOrder made 2013

Consultation carried out in June 2022
- still to be assessed and progressed.

Clarkston and BusbyOrder made March 2013Clarkston - Pending
BarrheadOrder made November 2015Pending
GiffnockOrder made June 2016Pending
Netherlee & Stamperland

made June 2023

N/A at this time

Thornliebank & West Giffnock

Order made December 2016Pending
Newton MearnsOrder Made April 2018Phase 2 - Pending

Williamwood & South Giffnock

Order made January 2020 Pending
BusbyOrder made Jan 2023N/A at this time.





Last modified on 21 August 2024