Care experienced youngsters present insightful art exhibition

A group of children and young people from East Renfrewshire have used their experiences of care to develop an inspiring art exhibition.

Character building exhibition

Published: 5 February 2020

The exhibition has been created by the Mini Champs, a group between the ages of six and 14 who have care experience. The youngsters are part of the East Renfrewshire Champions Board who work alongside senior managers and elected members who properly listen and respond to what the children want and need to ensure that they have the best experience that they can of care.

'Character Building' is a collection of photographic portraits and sculptural games that explore the character traits that make the group and other young people in similar circumstances who they are today.

The exhibition that is being displayed at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh, also has a unique interactive segment which uses a block-stacking game to showcase the views of young people from differing backgrounds. There is also a question and answer session designed to help provoke participant's thoughts about what is most important for children and young people who are care experienced and how others view them.

The exhibition was produced during a series of workshops at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery and in the local community.

Councillor Caroline Bamforth, Convener for Social Work and Health said: 'I am delighted that Mini Champs have been given this platform to showcase their life experiences in such a positive manner. This exhibition is thought-provoking and offers the perfect opportunity for us all to reflect and learn more about the lives of care experienced young people. Well done to all of the young people involved in this project - your hard work and dedication has helped you to create a fantastic exhibition which you should be incredibly proud of.' 

The exhibition will be held at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, 1 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH1 2JD from 6 February until 30 April 2020.

This project was produced by the National Galleries of Scotland Learning and Engagement Department, in conjunction with Mini Champs who are supported by Who Cares? Scotland.

If you would like more information please email or visit the East Renfrewshire Champions Board website (opens new window).

Last modified on 28 October 2020