Vandals target council pitches

Damage will cost thousands to repair

Muirend pitches vandalised

Published: 9 November 2021

The Council has condemned mindless vandals who caused extensive fire damage to the newly upgraded synthetic pitches at Muirend playing fields.

A number of sections of the pitches were damaged in the incident, which took place on Guy Fawkes Night, and the facility will now be closed until repairs are made.

It's just weeks since the pitches reopened following a £110,000 investment to improve the facility, which saw a completely new surface laid.

The incident has been reported to the police and the council's Community Safety team will be monitoring the area closely.

Council Leader Tony Buchanan said: 'It's extremely disappointing that this pitch has been vandalised, especially since it only recently reopened after being significantly upgraded. We continue to invest heavily in improving all our sports facilities for the use of local clubs and the community. Unfortunately, the repairs now needed will costs thousands and will also mean that the pitches can't be used until they are complete. As well as local residents being unable to use the pitches, these mindless acts of vandalism also mean that money which could have been spent elsewhere on other improvements needs to used for repairs. Once the pitches reopen, I hope that those using it will do so in an appropriate manner. If any member of the public sees anything inappropriate taking place or has any information about the recent vandalism you should contact the police on 101 or our Community Safety team by calling 0800 013 0076.'

Last modified on 17 November 2021