Ash Canopy Decline Class

Usage Zone 1

  • Trees within falling distance of a high volume public road, rail network, where people are regularly close to ash trees and close proximity to property. 
  • Higher risk where trees are greater than 10 years old.
  • High levels of public use

Class 1
(100% - 76% canopy)

  • Presumption that normal felling permission applications are required. Exemptions may apply.
  • The preference will usually be to retain trees in this class

Class 2
(75% to 51% canopy)

  • Presumption that normal felling permission applications are required. Exemptions may apply.

Class 3
(50% - 36% canopy)

  • Trees should be monitored closely and early felling permission applications are strongly advised.
  • If the tree presents an immediate danger to persons or property it can be felled under existing felling permission exemptions (including the removal of tree limbs). Other exemptions may also apply.
  • Where there are no significant sensitivities. felling permission applications may be considered for fast tracking.

Class 4
(25% - 0% canopy)

  • Trees should be monitored closely and early felling permission applications are strongly advised.
  • If a tree presents an immediate danger to persons or property it can be felled under existing felling permission 
  • exemptions (including the removal of tree limbs). Other exemptions may also apply.
  • Where there are no significant sensitivities, felling permission applications may be considered for fast-tracking.
  • Standing, completely dead trees can be felled under existing felling permission exemptions
Last modified on 20 January 2023
  • Ash Canopy Decline Class