PBIP agreed outputs and impacts

Wellbeing Outcomes

Local Outputs: What will your project deliver?



Active Travel

% Increase in number of people using walking and cycling routes.

Increase in number of people using walking and cycling routes.

% Increase in number of connections in local green networks.

Increase in number of connections in local green networks.

Public Transport

% Increase in numbers using public transport

Increase in number using public transport

Traffic and Parking

% Reduction in journeys taken by car.

Reduction in number of journeys taken by car.

% Increase in number of streets in which speed limits are reduced.

Increase in number of streets in which speed limits are reduced.

Please indicate how traffic management and design proposals are considered


Outputs - Please complete ONE of the sections below for each outcome. Either a % or an approximate figure.

Streets and Spaces 

% Increase in the number of - buildings, streets and public spaces that are well-connected, well-designed and maintained.

Increase in number of - buildings, streets and public spaces that are well-connected, well-designed and maintained.

% Reduction in amount of vacant and derelict land

Reduction in amount of vacant and derelict land

Natural Spaces

% Increased number of good-quality natural spaces and  food growing opportunities

Increase in number of good-quality natural spaces and  food growing opportunities

% Reduction in the number of environmental hazards

Reduction in number of environmental hazards

% Increase in number of adults living a 5 minute walk from blue/green space

Increase in number of adults living a 5 minute walk from blue/green space

Amount of prime quality agricultural land retained

Play and Recreation

% Increase in number of high quality places providing opportunities for play and recreation

Increase in number of high quality places providing opportunities for play and recreation.


Outputs - Please complete the sections below.

Services and Support

Number and/or capacity of additional accessible, facilities, amenities, spaces and opportunities for communities to meet indoors and outdoors.

Work and Economy

Please explain how the project supports an increase in skills and job opportunities.

Housing and Community

Please explain how the project supports an increase in the number/ size/ increased capacity of additional homes/ community places that are affordable, energy efficient, high quality and provide access to private outdoor space.


Outputs - Please complete the sections below.

Identity and Belonging

Please explain how the project supports this.

Feeling Safe

Please explain how the project supports this.


Outputs - Please complete ONE of the sections below for each outcome. Either a % or an approximate figure.

Care and Maintenance

% Increase in use of facilities for recycling and improvements in refuse storage and collection.

Actual increase in use of facilities for recycling and improvements in refuse storage and collection.

Influence and Control

Please indicate how the project supports improved collaborative working and decision making involving communitie

Last modified on 26 October 2023