Economic Development & Inclusive Growth team

Find out about the Economic Development & Inclusive Growth team and how we support people, place and business

People, Place and Business

We work with a wide range of partners to drive local economic growth in East Renfrewshire through support for employment, skills, businesses and improvements to our town centres and neighbourhoods.

Work EastRen is East Renfrewshire Council's employability service. Our primary goal is to help people aged 16 and over in East Renfrewshire improve their skills to get ready for work and find jobs. The team can help with CVs, Job applications, vocational training and access to  Modern Apprenticeships

We also provide a wide range of support and services to local businesses.   This includes advertising job vacancies, matching local residents to local jobs, work experience and placements, access to employer recruitment incentives and local job fairs.

Community Benefits

Suppliers who win any major contract must commit to supporting local causes through community enhancement. This includes training and employment opportunities, work placements, school curriculum support and business supply chain development.

For more information on Work EastRen:

Contact the team on 0141 577 8438 or email

Other useful information

There is a range of help and resources available to jobseekers

Find out about our community benefits and the wish list.

Skills Development Scotland support individuals in developing work-based and employability skills, from school, into further learning opportunities and employment. 

Employability in Scotland offer a range of support and advice. 

Further information can be found on the Scottish Government's No one left behind policy and their Fair Start Programme  which aims to help people into fair, sustainable jobs.

The UK Government has recently launched the Shared Prosperity Fund as a central pillar of its Levelling Up agenda.

Our team work with a wide range of partners to help develop and improve our town centres and neighbourhoods across East Renfrewshire and to make them more attractive, accessible and active as set out in the Scottish Government's town centre action plan.

Our towns and neighbourhoods, provide vitally important functions, such as being a focal point for local communities, a centre point for economic activity and job creation and retention, being transport hubs, spaces for leisure and increasingly places to live.

We have a range of programmes and initiatives in place including:

For further information contact our Place team on 0141 577 3325 or email: 

Meet the Business Growth team

Local business plays a critical role in East Renfrewshire's economy.  With over 3,000 businesses in the area they are not only key wealth generators but are also an important part of their local communities.

East Renfrewshire Council work with a wide range of partners such as East Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce and the 3 Business Improvement Districts in Barrhead, Clarkston and Giffnock to support businesses to access good quality business advice and support, affordable workspace, business finance and public sector procurement contracts.

For tourism we want to make the most of East Renfrewshire's many assets by assisting our businesses to generate wider marketing, more joined up offerings and assistance to grow.

For further information contact the Business Growth team on 0141 577 3325 or email  

Find out about the East Renfrewshire Accelerator Programme


Business Gateway East Renfrewshire

Business Gateway is a publicly funded service contributing to the economic wellbeing of Scotland by providing access to free business support services. Business Gateway is delivered by local authorities.

Whatever stage your business is at, Business Gateway offers advice, professional resources and support to help, including webinars, workshops and events.

We also have strong partnerships with a wide variety of organisations to help deliver the best advice and support to Scottish businesses. We offer a range of professional resources, support and tools to help you learn new skills, create new opportunities and develop sustainable strategies for growth.

Contact: For further information please visit or call 0141 530 3946.

Meet the Business Gateway team 


Business Support

There is a range of support and business advice available within East Renfrewshire provided by our teams and our partners.

These include:

Business Development Grants 

Business Loans Scotland

DSL Business Finance 

Office Space - The Greenlaw Works 

Business Improvement Districts

Business rates


Environmental Health

Trading standards 

Tenders and contracts

Trusted Trader East Renfrewshire 

Find Business Support Scotland 

Scottish Enterprise 

Supplier Development Programme 


Business Improvement Districts

The Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) exist to work on behalf and for the success of the wider business community, within 3 local areas, Barrhead, Clarkston and Giffnock. 

East Renfrewshire Council Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce offers a member based organisation that promotes business through networking /events and expert help to improve prosperity in East Renfrewshire. 



Last modified on 9 July 2024