Pest control

Report a pest control problem and find out fees.

Service information

You can use this service to report a pest control issue.

We offer residents access to pest control treatments through our contractors Graham Pest Control.

This is a chargeable service. Details of the pest control fees are listed below. This service is not available to commercial businesses including residential letting agencies.

For free advice on specific pests and pest ID service visit the Graham Pest Control website.

Before you start

We don't visit or treat for all pests and we only offer advice for some. However, when appropriate, a pest control officer will visit to identify the infestation and carry out the appropriate treatment.

Infestations of mice will only be treated if affecting a property, building or outbuilding. It's unlikely that a pest control contractor will treat mice only seen in the garden.

You can prevent mice from entering your garden by:

  • keeping your garden clean and tidy, cutting back overgrown areas and clearing any piles of wood or debris
  • covering any household waste, close dustbin lids and cover compost heaps
  • storing food in airtight containers and make sure any food debris is cleaned up straight away
  • installing door sweeps or door brush strip on exterior doors, if the gap is larger than 4mm

There are some signs to look for if you are worried that mice may be entering or active within your property:

  • Black droppings - about the size and shape of a grain of rice. Common places to find mouse droppings are under the kitchen sink, around central heating boilers and in roof spaces.
  • A smell of ammonia as mice urinate frequently.
  • Nests - sometimes nests can be found indoors for example in lofts, under floorboards or in airing cupboards.
  • Damage to stored food in cupboards and pantries.
  • Gnaw marks on materials such as wood, carpets, paper, cables and furniture.

You'll need to search for any potential entry points such as low areas and high vents and pipes and seal these up with wire wool. Proofing means of entry will help to prevent an infestation and reducing harbourage and food sources will make the area less attractive to mice.

Visit the British Pest Control Association websitefor advice on how to treat a mice infestation yourself or book a pest control treatment with us by using the 'Book online' button below.

If you spot a rat in your garden you should look for typical burrows or holes described above to confirm that rats are nesting in your garden and not just travelling through to get to a food source. 

You can prevent rats from entering your property by:

  • filling in any gaps around pipes and under sheds, as rats only need a gap of 15mm to gain entry. Gaps should be sealed with wire wool preferably in a cement mix.
  • removing potential nesting sites- keep gardens clean and tidy, cut back overgrown areas and clear any piles of wood or debris.
  • protecting compost heaps with wire mesh to prevent rodents digging.
  • using a bird table or feeder basket when feeding birds.
  • ensuring all bins are securely stored in your bin with the lid closed. Inspect your bins regularly to check for 'chew marks' and holes. However, correct identification is key as squirrels can also be responsible for 'chew marks' and holes in bins too.

There are signs to look for if you're concerned that rats may be nesting in your garden or within your property:

  • Rat droppings are often dark and pellet-shaped, about the size of a date stone. These tend to be clustered in certain areas, as rats often use the same spot to do the toilet.
  • Gnawing marks on electrical cables, woodwork, plastic, brick  as well as torn bags of foodstuff and materials.
  • Footprints or tail marks in dusty, unused areas.
  • You may also hear the rats scratching, gnawing and scuttling around, but correct identification is key as these sounds can also be similar to a squirrel infestation or bird activity.
  • In garden areas look for holes going under the likes of decking, sheds or under tree stumps or grass embankments.
  • Rat runs - trails of trampled grass about 5cm wide - leading along garden fences, across grass or from the holes.

Visit the British Pest Control Association website for advice on how to treat a rat infestation yourself or book a pest control treatment with us by using the 'Book online' button below.

You can take steps to reduce the likely hood of a squirrel gaining access to your roof space by:

  • making sure your roof, gutters and eaves have no holes / access points for squirrels to enter
  • securely sealing all entry points (proofing) preferably with metal mesh or vents
  • trimming tree branches that overhang your roof
  • removing anything stacked up against the side of your building
  • If squirrels are getting access to your roof or attic you should take steps to seal up any holes or access points.  This should be done during the daytime when the squirrels are outside feeding. 

If you want to have the squirrels trapped and removed this is a 3 step process to make sure the squirrels are humanely trapped and removed.  

We do not treat birds. Visit the Graham Pest Control website for advise. Pigeons and gulls are not treated by them, however, if the birds are causing damage or leading to anxiety you must Apply for a licence.

If your property is affected by birds nesting in the roof space, you should leave the nest and birds in place until the chicks have flown the nest and the nest is empty. After this happens, it's important to fill any access holes or carry out repairs needed to the soffits, vents or roof of the property to prevent access to birds in future. 

Although inquisitive, foxes are also timid and unlikely to come near your property unless a food source is being left out for them. Foxes are opportunist feeders and eat insects, earthworms, fruit, berries, wild birds, small mammals and scraps left by humans.  If you want to discourage foxes don't leave out any food and make sure your bins are not overfilled and lids are closed.

The breeding season for foxes is between March and September and trapping foxes or treating any fox den between these months won't take place.  For advice on how to discourage foxes or treat their den visit the British Pest Control Association website.

If your property is affected by foxes Visit the Graham Pest Control website to arrange a pest control consultation / survey.

We're only able to treat wasps' nests which are easily accessible by 1 operative and where it's less than 20 feet from ground level. Overhangs, extensions and conservatories which restrict access will prevent us treating a nest and you should contact a private contractor in such circumstances. Refunds aren't given where we visit and are unable to carry out a treatment because of such circumstances.Wasp nests must be treated with extreme caution as some people have severe allergic reactions to wasp stings.

Wasp nests don't need to be destroyed if they're not causing harm or are in a position doesn't affect the way you use your property. A wasp's nest will only be used for one season as a queen wasp won't return to the previous year's nest. 

If, however, if you consider it necessary to have the nest treated you can book a pest control treatment using the 'Book online' button below.

Please note, unless the queen wasp is killed the nest may survive. If a further treatment is needed within 28 days from the first treatment, this will be arranged with our pest control contractor free of charge.

If your wasps nest turns out to be a bees nest, the treatment will not be carried out and the call out charge will apply. 

The vast majority of fleas found in households are cat or dog fleas. 

If you have a pet cat or dog, have it checked for fleas and:

  • treat your pet with a flea treatment which you can buy from pet shops or your vet.
  • check pet bedding, baskets and if necessary treat or replace them.
  • clean rooms thoroughly by vacuuming carpets and soft furnishings. This will pick up adult fleas, larvae and eggs and also potential food sources. 

After cleaning apply an approved powder or spray to affected areas following the manufacturers' instructions.

The early stages in the flea life cycle such as egg, larval and pupal are more resistant to treatment so additional treatments may be needed.

If you're unable to treat the fleas yourself or would prefer a reputable pest control contractor do the treatment, you can book a pest control treatment using the 'Book online' button below.

Bed bugs are found in bedding, mattresses and frames or in close proximity (for example skirting boards) to where a person sleeps.

The adult bug resembles a small brown disc, about 3.5mm long - the size of a match head. It's wingless but the legs are well developed and it can crawl up most vertical surfaces.

Infested rooms may have bugs under wallpaper or in crevices in the furniture and joinery. They generally emerge to feed at night and their bite can cause severe irritation. They also cause characteristic 'blood spotting' on bedsheets and tend to leave bites around the upper body and abdomen.

Our Environmental Health Officers can identify bed bugs if you're able to send a good quality picture of the insect you think's a bed bug. To do so email

Treatment will be required to all affected rooms. The property will also need to be empty for a couple of hours after treatment to the treatment to take effect. To book a treatment use the 'Book online' button below.

Ants feed on sugary foods and food crumbs so you can help to control them by keeping your house interior clean. This may also apply to patio areas.

Ants are relatively easy to treat yourself:

  • Locate the ant nest. It may be located in sub-floor areas, wall cavities paving slabs and so on, but often following the ants will give a clue to the nests location.
  • Purchase ant powder from a garden centre or DIY store and follow the manufacturers' instructions, applying the powder to the nest entrance and to areas where ant trails can be seen.
  • Fill any entry points and gaps in external walls, stairs and so on.

Please note, unless the queen ant is killed the nest will continue to survive.

If you're unable to treat the ants nest yourself or would prefer a reputable pest control contractor to carry out the treatment, you can book a treatment by using the 'Book online' button below.

Cockroaches are found in kitchens, bin areas and drainage systems and feed on refuse and human debris. They can hide in narrow cracks in walls, furniture and so on, during the day and are normally seen at night when they come out to feed and drink. They move quickly and can easily climb rough surfaces.

Cockroach infestations are relatively rare and can sometimes be mistaken for other beetles. Our Environmental Health Officers can identify cockroaches if you're able to send a good quality picture of the insect you think's a cockroach. To do so email

You can also request a survey which is completed by a qualified technician. To organise a survey or cockroach treatment use the 'Book online' button below.

There are many types of beetles that can be found within properties and some can cause damage to food, furniture and clothing. Likewise there are many types of flies which can cause nuisance and will take advantage of spilt or rotting food, blocked drains or animal carcases or rotting vegetation.

Most beetle and/or fly infestations are easily treated if you can correctly identify the insect type and the possible cause or source. Our Environmental Health Officers can identify beetles, silverfish and/or flies if you're able to send a good quality picture of the insect you think's a cockroach. To do so email

If you're affected by a beetles, silverfish or flies infestation, you can book a treatment by using the 'Book online' button below.

We're unable to treat:

  • birds
  • bats
  • bees
  • slaters/woodlice
  • slugs
  • seagulls 
  • pigeons

Visit the Graham Pest Control website for advice on how to deal with these pests.


There's a call out charge of £48.85 for attendance by Graham Pest Control on site regardless of whether any treatment is undertaken. This may also apply if the pest control officer can't gain access to your property when arranged.


PestFeeVisits included

Fee for follow up visit (if needed)





CockroachesInitial survey required
at a charge of £26.10. 
£229.20 full treatment

Must be approved by Environmental Health

Bed bugsInitial survey required
at a charge of £26,10. 
£229.20 full treatment

Must be approved by Environmental Health


14 to 28 days from initial treatment

Flying ants£50.851£31.80
Fruit/sewerage flies£38.101£31.80
Silver fish£38.101£31.80

14 to 28 days from initial treatment

Wasps £61.201

Additional visits £61.20 per visit



How to book

Book online

What happens next

We aim to respond to all requests within 3 to 5 working days. Responses to internal issues will be prioritised.

Last modified on 1 April 2024