Risk Management
Find out about our approach to managing risk in the delivery of our services
What is Risk?
Risk is the chance of something happening that will have an impact on our business or objectives.
We're committed to ensuring a proactive approach in recognising, identifying and managing the risks impacting on us. It's recognised that a certain amount of risk is inevitable to achieve our objectives.
Risk management Strategy
Our approach to managing risk is set out in the Risk Management Strategy: Risk Management Strategy (PDF, 636 KB)
The strategy:
- Sets out our long term commitment for the management of risk at a strategic and operational level
- Introduces a robust framework and procedures for identification, analysis, assessment and management of risk, and the reporting and recording of events.
It will inform our business processes including:
- Strategic Planning
- Financial Planning
- Service Planning
- Policy making and review
- Performance Management
- Project Management
- Partnership Working
Our Strategic Risk Register (SRR) sets out the key strategic risks which may affect delivery of our business and objectives. This is considered by the Audit and Scrutiny Committee every 6 months and reported annually to the Cabinet.
For further information please contact Gill Darbyshire, Chief Executive's Business Manager, gill.darbyshire@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk