Search for council meeting papers

Find out what search facilities we have to search for council papers. You can also find out about our governance procedures.

Calendar of meetings

View the 2024 meetings calendar (PDF, 72 KB)(opens new window)

View the 2025 meetings calendar (PDF, 87 KB)(opens new window)


You can search agendas for a particular committee by using our our agendas search.

Search agendas

Past papers, reports and minutes

You can search past papers, reports and minutes for a particular committee by using our papers, reports and minutes search.

Search for past papers, reports and minutes

If you're looking for items before 2014 contact the relevant committee clerk.

Community councils

You can search past papers, reports and minutes for a particular community council by using our community councils search.

Search community council papers

Governance procedures

Scheme of Administration

Our decision-making structure is based on a Cabinet style model, which considers business from all of our services and departments.

Apart from the Cabinet, we still have a number of committees that deal with other matters such as education, planning and licensing.

Read the Scheme of Administration (PDF, 159 KB) for full details of all our committees and their areas of responsibility.

Scheme of Delegated Functions

Our Scheme of Delegated Functions sets out all those powers that can be used by particular officers without the need for committee approval.

Read the Scheme of Delegated Functions (PDF, 401 KB).

Standing Orders

The conduct of our meetings and committees is governed by Standing Orders, which gives guidelines about the role of the Provost, the rules of debate and voting, among other information.

Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings except where items of a private or confidential nature are being considered.

Read Standing Orders (PDF, 124 KB).

Last modified on 3 October 2024