Community Planning Partnership Board - 30 August 2021

Community Planning Partnership Board agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 30 August 2021.


CouncilLeader of the Council
CouncilDeputy Leader of the Council
CouncilLeader of the Opposition
CouncilChief Executive
Integration Joint BoardChair
NHS Greater Glasgow and ClydeChief Executive
Police ScotlandAssistant Chief Constable - West
Scottish Fire and Rescue ServiceDeputy Assistant Chief Officer
Voluntary Action East RenfrewshireChair
Scottish EnterpriseSenior Contact for East Renfrewshire CPP
Skills Development ScotlandChief Executive
Scottish GovernmentLocation Director of East Renfrewshire

Notice of Meeting

View the notice of meeting for 30 August 2021. (PDF, 83 KB)(opens new window)


  1. Report on apologies for absence.
  2. Declarations of interest.
  3. Read the minute of the meeting held on 13 June 2019. (PDF, 172 KB)(opens new window)
  4. Read the annual review for 2020 to 2021 and case studies. (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
  5. Read the Where We are Now report. (PDF, 773 KB)(opens new window)
  6. Read the priorities for 2022 and beyond. (PDF, 597 KB)(opens new window)
  7. Any other business.
  8. Date of meeting.

Meeting Papers

Read the Community Planning Partnership Board papers for 30 August 2021. (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)

Meeting Recording

The recording of this meeting can now be viewed on the Council's YouTube channel.


Read the minute of the meeting held on 30 August 2021. (PDF, 172 KB)(opens new window)


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Last modified on 16 December 2021