Local Review Body - 5 April 2023

Local Review Body agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 5 April 2023.


  • Chair - Councillor Betty Cunningham
  • Vice-Chair - Councillor Jim McLean
  • Councillor Paul Edlin
  • Councillor Annette Ireland
  • Councillor Christopher Lunday
  • Provost Mary Montague
  • Councillor Andrew Morrison

Notice of meeting

View the notice of meeting for 5 April 2023. (PDF, 135 KB)(opens new window)


1. Report apologies for absence.

2. Declarations of interest.

3. Read the Notice of Review - Review 2023/01 - External alterations and change of use of former social club to commercial units comprising a retail unit (class 1) 2no. hot food takeaway units (sui generis) and a class 2 unit. Alterations to car parking layout and access. The Columba Club, 69 Darnley Road, Barrhead, G78 1TA. (Ref No:- 2021/0911/TP). (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)

Meeting Papers

Read the Local Review Body papers for 5 April 2023. (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)

Meeting Recording

The recording of this meeting can be viewed on the Council's YouTube channel.


Read the minute of the meeting held on 5 April 2023. (PDF, 87 KB)(opens new window)


For more information phone 0141 577 3026 or email john.burke@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk.

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Last modified on 3 May 2023