Planning application process
Find out what happens after you submit your planning application.
The Development Management Service is currently unable to provide applicants with updates on live applications, however we'll process applications as quickly as possible.
Register application
We'll register the application when we confirm it's valid and you pay the fee.
When it's registered, we give it a category of local or major development. The category affects how we process and decide your application.
Make applications public
We'll let your neighbours know about most applications. This applies to neighbours within 20 metres of the application site.
You need to let the owner of the application site know you're applying for planning permission. You also need to tell and any agricultural tenants.
If there's changes to the application, we'll decide whether to withdraw it or ask for a new one.
Major developments
You need to advertise consultation events in the local paper.
Sometimes, we'll consult with others on a planning application. For example, Scottish Water, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and Historic Scotland.
We may also consult with other council services. For example, roads or environmental health.
Extra information
We may ask for extra information. For example, a transport or flood risk assessment.
Making decisions
The starting point of any decision is the Development Plan. We also look at relevant government policies and documents submitted with the application.
Most local developments are decided by the Planning team.
Major developments are decided by the Planning Applications Committee. However, some local developments sometimes need to be decided by the Planning Applications Committee. For example, if a plan gets many objections.
Report of Handling
As part of the decision making, we'll prepare a Report of Handling for all applications. This sets out everything we take into account. You can view this on the online planning system after the decision is made.
Planning conditions
We may grant planning permission with conditions. These can vary in each case.
Planning obligations
We might need to enter into a planning obligation with you. This is a legal agreement which covers issues that can't be controlled by planning.
We aim to make planning decisions as quickly as possible.
Local developments
You can appeal if you don't get a decision in 2 months of us allowing your application.
Major developments
You can appeal if you don't get a decision in 4 months of us allowing your application. This is unless we agree an extension with you.
Non-material variations
If you wish to make any substantial alterations to your proposal once you have consent, then you'll need to apply again. However, if it's only a minor (non-material) change then you can apply for a 'non-material variation'. See the 'Apply for planning permission' web page for more information.