Humanitarian response to Covid-19 Equality, Fairness and Rights Impact Assessment

Read the Humanitarian response to Covid-19 Equality, Fairness and Rights Impact Assessment

Name of policy/proposal: Humanitarian response to Covid-19 Equality, Fairness and Rights Impact Assessment
Completion date: 01/06/20
Completed by: Humanitarian Working Group
Lead officers: Louise Pringle and Ruth Gallagher
Department: Business Operations and Partnerships and Voluntary Action East Renfrewshire


The purpose of this assessment is to consider how the policy/plan could impact on the needs of those protected by the Public Sector Equality Duty, the Fairer Scotland Duty and the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child. 

Read the Humanitarian response to Covid-19 Equality, Fairness and Rights Impact Assessment (PDF, 960 KB)

Last modified on 24 August 2022