Public records created or held by third parties

Adequate arrangements must be in place for the management of records created and held by third parties who carry out any functions of the authority.


There are a number of statutory council functions carried out by third parties. In such cases these third parties must also comply with the same principles and practice of good records management as we do.


We'll identify scenarios where contractors will create or manage public records at the procurement stage and will include assessment of the tenderers' records management capability as part of the procurement process.

Relevant contractors will be appointed under contracts which include appropriate clauses relating to the management of the public records which the contractor (or its own subcontractor chain) creates and/or manages on behalf of us. These contracts will make specific provision for the survivorship and transfer of public records to us or a successor contractor at the end of the contract period.

Public records created by third parties are covered within the scope of all relevant components of our Records Management Framework including the Records Management Policy and the integrated Business Classification Scheme and Record Retention Schedule.

Improvement actions and review

Use of improvement actions and review to identify existing contractors creating and managing and enable risk-based approach.

We'll review its longer term contracts with a view to ascertaining whether public records are created or handled in terms of those contracts, meaning we should then invoke contract change control procedures with a view to having the contract(s) amended to reflect our present approach to records management obligations.

Responsible officer

Senior Information and Improvement Officer


Last modified on 20 December 2024