Integration Joint Board - 16 August 2023
Integration Joint Board agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 16 August 2023.
Voting members
East Renfrewshire Council
- Councillor Caroline Bamforth
- Councillor Paul Edlin
- Councillor Katie Pragnell (Vice - Chair)
- Councillor Owen O'Donnell
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
- Anne-Marie Monaghan (Chair)
- Dianne Foy
- Jacqueline Forbes
- Mehvish Ashraf
Non-voting members
- Lynsey Allan (Scottish Care representative)
- Lesley Bairden (Chief Financial Officer of the HSCP)
- Dr Angela Campbell (Medical Practitioner)
- Anne Marie Kennedy (Third sector representative)
- Andrew McCready (Staff representative from NHS)
- Geoff Mohamed (Carers' representative)
- Julie Murray (Chief Officer to the IJB)
- Lynne Rankin (Staff representative from East Renfrewshire Council)
- Claire Fisher (Clinical Director)
- Lynne Siddiqui (Lead Allied Health Professional Adviser)
- Vacancy (Service User representative)
Notice of meeting
View the notice of meeting for 16 August 2023. (PDF, 177 KB)(opens new window)
1. Apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Read the draft minute of the meeting held on 28 June 2023. (PDF, 317 KB)(opens new window)
4. Read the matters arising report. (PDF, 291 KB)(opens new window)
5. Read the rolling action log. (PDF, 361 KB)(opens new window)
8. Read the Strategic Commissioning Plan. (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
9. Read the Revenue Budget Monitoring Report for 2023/24. (PDF, 557 KB)(opens new window)
10. Read the HSCP Savings, Recovery and Renewal Programme. (PDF, 489 KB)(opens new window)
13. Delayed Discharge position - presentation by Lee McLaughlin.
14. Read the Calendar of meetings for 2024. (PDF, 400 KB)(opens new window)
Next meeting
Wednesday 27 September 2023 at 1.00pm.
Meeting papers
Read the minute of the meeting held on 16 August 2023. (PDF, 154 KB)(opens new window)
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